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View Full Version : Tournament Apps for June 21st

Kevin McGill
04-13-2009, 07:57 PM
Hello to all the muskie hunters that view this site. The LSMC first Open Tournament ,will be June 21st, at 9th street ramp. 40$ a man-80$ a team. This will be the first time that the LSMC, has had a tournament in June. From past experiences , there have been several good quality catches during this time. One in particular, back in either 02 or 03, our club raise over 30 muskies, and caught 16, with in a 8 hour period, with only 10 members fishing. I am sure that the new President of the LSMC, could add to this story, for Jim Ozee had a hell of a day, with partner Lee Bartolini.
We only ask you fisherman who enter to be aware of the surface temps, which could harm the muskie based on the stress of the fight. Keeping the muskie in the net, and in the water will help.
And by the way the temps are today 4/13/09- 47-51 degrees- June looks like great time for a tournament
Any one wanting a app, may E-Mail me at Chautauqua@soltec.net or call 1-217-863-4012