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View Full Version : Yough River Musky

04-12-2009, 09:26 AM
Anyone have any info on fishing the Yough for Musky? I know the fish commission stocks every year but have never had any luck on the Yough.

04-12-2009, 10:03 AM
Hey Tiller, Shoot me an email and we can talk about the Yough!

Brian youghstalker@hotmail.com

04-12-2009, 06:06 PM
my friend helped stock them in sept and they put 1900 5- 7 inch purebred fingerlings in. as for the fishing in the months they put trout in good luck. i fish it almost everyday it is fishable jan-dec for these toothy predators and it is a tough river to fish . def not the caliber of the allegheny or susky

04-23-2009, 09:41 PM
It will be one day and it has a good jump as long as they keep a eye on it and good promo as far as no kill mentality is preached ,it will be I also think that there is untapped water there its hard to explore but needs to be done

H2O wolf
04-24-2009, 08:38 AM
When the f&Bc decided to stop stocking several lakes and rivers in the Southwest portion of Pa I was hoping the yough would receive an extra portion of fish. It doesn't seem that is the case but they do intend to continue stocking there. I have fished there a lot and have caught some low 40's but would have to agree with Joel that it is not close to the premier waters like the allegheny/susky or other lakes. You can put in days (or weeks) there and not see a fish but can also see multiple fish in a day (though rare). You are mostly fishing for a shot at 1 fish on a trip in my opinion. I did have a chance to help float stock there and hope to continue that to try to make it better for the future.