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View Full Version : Lake Erie Fishing Trip

Fishing Thrills Guide Service
04-12-2009, 08:02 AM
I 'll be out of town the next few days starting 4/12-4/18. In Hot Pursuit of the lakes finest. Feel free to contact me via cell phone for any information needs.
Hope to see you on the water.

Fishing Thrills Guide Service
04-20-2009, 02:30 PM
Three days of rain and north east winds making 4-8 feet waves greeted our fishing party to Port Clinton on lake Erie. with time wasted and three days left to fish our party made our way out to the lake trying to find water that was not dirty from the weather. After a few hours of searching cleaner water was found near Kelly's Inland and north near Gull Inland the walleyes where there in big numbers. Our three days on the water three out of four boats took there limits of walleyes with many fish released back. My boat with just two people total had three fish over 29" pushing 10 pounds and one 30 1/2 inch that was fat as a football that went 10 1/2 pounds on our scale. Deep diving Reef Runner crankbaits in Clown, Bare Naked, White Perch Cheap Sunglasses where our hot colored crankbaits. A fun time was had by all!!