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View Full Version : Fishing for tigers

03-28-2009, 03:48 AM
Ty or anyone else, is there anything you would do different to try a catch a hybrid? Have you noticed behavioral differences (like not as apt to bite at night or temp preferences) as compared to a pure strain?

Or is it all random awesomeness?

Fishing a tiger only metro lake is out of the question.

03-28-2009, 08:33 AM
I think tigers are just random.

You might go the the "search" tab up above here on this site, click it and go through all the goop, and type tiger muskie. Should show a bunch of results. Scroll thru them and find the Chip. Flowage thread. Might shed some light. Or it might not.

Ray Perry
03-28-2009, 10:14 AM
Wish I could help you on this one. Would love to catch a nice tiger. I've had a few on just couldn't reel them all the way in.

My suggestion would be to stick with the cougars. They are abundand and an easy bite.


Ty Sennett
03-30-2009, 08:00 AM
Nice Ray! Always something with you.

For tigers, I've never caught one at night, so I'm guessing it's the pike in them that has the problem feeding at night. On clear water systems it might be different though. As for what you can do different, usually brighter baits are key. Chartruse and flourescent baits have been good producers. Spinnerbaits and bucktails have been the best although we have also caught some of the biggest ones on live bait. I think it's more of a location thing than anything. Cold water is key.

03-30-2009, 08:40 AM
My suggestion would be to stick with the cougars. They are abundand and an easy bite.




Ty Sennett
03-30-2009, 05:35 PM
Oh Snizz.......... they should really do a check to make sure everything is working right in your head.

03-30-2009, 08:05 PM
I have caught most on black with silver blade ghostails (same as I prefer on the Chip for pure muskie), but we have also caught one on a cloudy day with a black/black mepps muskie killer.
Most of the ones we have caught have been on the far outer edge of the weed bed.

Ray Perry
03-31-2009, 09:11 AM
I like it snizz!

To be serious I once heard that smaller baits work well for Tigers. Any truth to that? As for the bright colors I also heard that before. Of the 4 tigers I have seen one was caught on a red bucktail. One on a firetiger shallow invador. And the other two were on black bucktails.


Ty Sennett
03-31-2009, 09:42 AM
I do catch more on small baits. Bass sized spinnerbaits work well in the chartruse/green skirt color. Small bucktails also work well. I have caught about seven or eight mid forty inch tigers on topwater but for the most part I wouldn't throw topwater specifically to catch tigers. If I had my druthers I'd pick a small green bladed bucktail or spinnerbait with chartruse body.

Here is what we have caught the bigger tigers on and the size of the fish:

47 1/2" Sucker
45" sucker
45" sucker
45" sucker
45" Pacemaker
45" Undertaker
45" Ghosttail
45" Ghosttial
45" Ghosttail
45" Ghosttail
44 1/2" Pacemaker
44 1/2" Ghosttail
44 1/2" Ghosttail
44" Pacemaker
44" baby bucktail

As you can see the tigers on the Chip don't get much bigger than 45 inches. I'm sure there were several others that I forgot but these are off the top of my head from the last few years.

03-31-2009, 11:25 AM
I have heard that a pink Mepps Muskie Killer with a black blade.