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View Full Version : Garbage patrol

03-16-2009, 06:05 PM
I went for a ride on the wheeler tonight to look for the strip on the back of my clam that fell off while towing this weekend. (somewhere from the river mouth to the terrace) it the strip about 5 feet long that wraps around the back to hold the canvas on. If any one perhaps seen it or picked it up please let me know I would REALLY appreciate it. Anyway I wasn't going to post a lost add but what got me fired up was the amount of garbage I was coming across. I know most of you reading this do not leave garbage like what I was finding but if you do see someone leaving garbage feel free to kick them square in the balls. You can tell them I told you to do it and then do it again for yourself. I went for a ride from mcdonalds in gladstone to the prime (so called) spot where the million shacks were this year and picked up 7 propane tanks, 35 pop cans, a full container of cottage cheese (not even opened) 2 12 pack boxes, on and on you get the point. Also the black teepee shack made from tarps and 2X4's is looking like it is going to be left there for someone else to clean up. If you know who's it is tell them to pick it up PLEASE! I thought about lighting it on fire tonight but figured I would then get charged for littering! I know I'm rambling on but this topic just eats me up inside, I know it is mostly my generation that is doing most of the littering and I hate that I am put into that stereotype. I love the resource that we have at our front door and I know most of you hold it dear as well. Just remember to remind everyone in your group to pick up there SH*T and we won't have to see boxes, cans, cig butts, floating around when were out in the boats this summer.

03-16-2009, 07:05 PM
It really is a shame that people leave so much garbage on the ice. The only thing that should be left is a few blood spots, nothing more. I understand the occasional candy wrapper or whatever gets caught by the wind, but...propane tanks? for real? jeeeez.

03-16-2009, 07:07 PM
Great post. I agree. The resource we have out there is great because the people before our time took care of it and we have that responsibililty as well. I wish people would treat our public resources like they would their own property (assuming they actually care about their own property).

The Bait Shop Guy
03-16-2009, 09:27 PM
Preaching to the choir. I picked up a couple of good sized wooden hole covers that must have fell out of somebodies shack, just north of the Escanaba River. If nothing else I figured that's not the kind of thing I'd want to hit with the boat, come spring. I've never understood how a person can have no problem bringing something out when it's full (propane tanks, soda bottles, worm boxes, ect...) but cant be bothered to bring it off the water when it's empty! Sorry, but these lowlifes are only just a step above the scumbags that were doing all the illegal netting!

Thanks for stepping up SSMACNCHEESE!

03-16-2009, 10:33 PM
Who gets the job of removing any shacks left on the ice? Some of the shacks off Kipling are tipped on their side and frozen in, some look like they have not been used for quite a while maybe as much as a month or more.I remember about 5 years ago seeing the DNR loading shacks on trailers left in the parking lot of the access site at Kipling in May!! just before the walleye opener and I'm sure they may have some left behind every year. Anyway I asked 1 of the CO's what would be done with the abandoned shacks he told me they would try to find out who owned them and they would be ticketed. And if they could not find the owner I think he said they would be sent to the landfill for disposal.

There must be a way to solve this problem.I know according to the state of Michigan your name has to be on your shack on all 4 sides I think in 2" or larger letters. that would help alot getting in contact with the person who owns the shacks.Maybe some of the older guys would remember at one time didn't you have to put your phone number on the sides along with your name? I seem to remember my uncle's had it painted on the sides.

03-16-2009, 10:37 PM
good job mac daddy.. now all we need to figure out is why people insist on driving their trucks past ya when your fishing at 65 miles an hour. I'd put that in the category with the garbage douche's and the net jackoffs also. I'm sure they are all one in the same.

03-16-2009, 10:39 PM
I went for a ride on the wheeler tonight to look for the strip on the back of my clam that fell off while towing this weekend. (somewhere from the river mouth to the terrace) it the strip about 5 feet long that wraps around the back to hold the canvas on. If any one perhaps seen it or picked it up please let me know I would REALLY appreciate it. Anyway I wasn't going to post a lost add but what got me fired up was the amount of garbage I was coming across. I know most of you reading this do not leave garbage like what I was finding but if you do see someone leaving garbage feel free to kick them square in the balls. You can tell them I told you to do it and then do it again for yourself. I went for a ride from mcdonalds in gladstone to the prime (so called) spot where the million shacks were this year and picked up 7 propane tanks, 35 pop cans, a full container of cottage cheese (not even opened) 2 12 pack boxes, on and on you get the point. Also the black teepee shack made from tarps and 2X4's is looking like it is going to be left there for someone else to clean up. If you know who's it is tell them to pick it up PLEASE! I thought about lighting it on fire tonight but figured I would then get charged for littering! I know I'm rambling on but this topic just eats me up inside, I know it is mostly my generation that is doing most of the littering and I hate that I am put into that stereotype. I love the resource that we have at our front door and I know most of you hold it dear as well. Just remember to remind everyone in your group to pick up there SH*T and we won't have to see boxes, cans, cig butts, floating around when were out in the boats this summer.

I read about a CO in Mn. that would go through trash left behind and if he found something with a name and address on it he would mail them a ticket for littering.

03-17-2009, 07:40 AM
I agree with you guys 100%. I try to drive out of my way to pick up anything I see on the ice thats garbage. I always tried to make it a point to walk the dog, after the ice went out, between the police station and Payne and Dolan dock, north side of Saunders point. I would always fill a trash bag as we went along, sometimes two. Old Windsor is gone now, but I still plan to do it. I never asked for any recognition or thank you's because I was doing it because I thought it was right. But, you guys have to remember - its nearly impossible to litigate, pass legislation, or even enforce people to be responsible. Thats something a daddy teaches his children. Mine did. Thanks Dad. As for the kick in the taters, the guy's daddy should get one too for not being there to teach his kid to be responsible and do the right thing, like not throw his crap on the ice.

03-17-2009, 10:28 AM
haha kick in the taters.. i love it

03-17-2009, 07:08 PM
I know alot of you had a good year on the ice and some of you had a terrible year. As far as myself, I had a below average year. If I had a nickel for every looker.....I would be a millionaire. I am replying to this post as to what I was disgusted at. This past weekend I came up to LBDN for one last attempt at catching the elusive eye. I fished solid all day Saturday and had one hit, lost one at the hole and managed to lose 1 rap and 1 Ice Darter on I think was Moby Dick. After a long day on the ice I started to load the wheeler up and heard some guy whooping and hollering about some asshole. I drove over there to see what he was so excited about and there was 4 VERY nice eyes frozen in the ice picked apart by birds. I would say the smallest was around 10" and the largest was an easy 28". If you are the person who caught these fish and left them behind because your tired lazy ass did not feel like cleaning them.....QUIT FISHING now! I get sick everytime I see this or hear about people throwing freezer burnt fish away. If your not going to eat it yourself give it to someone who will appreciate. Next time I see or hear something of this nature....I am going to kick someone on the taters (sorry loved the phrase....thanks

See you on the ice in 2009/2010.


03-17-2009, 07:37 PM
It seems to me everyone is on the same page. When I posted this I knew everyone would feel exactly the same way I did. I went for a walk tonight around town (g-stone) and am beginning to wonder where all those shacks still out there are going to go.... We all now the answer to this. I think the Law says something about March 31st OR when conditions require them to be removed. If you ask me right about now is coniditions demanding action. I spent many hours building my premanent shack and I guess I take pride in that. Theres a lot of shacks with there own personality as well and I never could figure out why people let them sink. Lets do every fisherman a favor and get them off the ice, removing them from the public landings and respecting the NON fisherman of our community. Have you ever complained about the access sites being shut down all over? Its people being lazy that ruin it for everyone. Now I know this isn't just fisherman, its outdoorsman in general (we are the minority) We all need to do our small parts to keep our traditions alive.
alrighty then...

03-19-2009, 07:16 AM
Great post!!! It is a shame how many pigs there are out on the ice!! Wheres the DNR to hand out tickets for this???