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View Full Version : High Winds and Boat controll

Kevin McGill
03-09-2009, 08:57 AM
To all of you fisherman who plan a spring trip anywhere,check the weather, and wind conditions. I was on Clinton lake ,sunday the 9th, only to have a life threatening event, when trying to get back to the main marina. Even when then wind was calm early sunday morning, they became stronger by the hour. Thanks to many of the club members, where I have learned how navigate, large waves of 5-6 ft rollers,and white caps, I am glad to say that I am safe at home.
Just because you have a V Hull, does not mean that you can get up and pain out on top of the white caps. It tossed us around, no matter where we tried to go. I throttled down, and let the wind guide me across the lake , until I reached safe water and a wind break at the ramp.Which brings up an issue, that one of our members, makes clear every year. Life jacket safety-are you willing to test your jacket- put it on- and jump in, just to see, if you can float. Also - how many of the older men have ladders or some type boat stirrup to get back in ,if you fall out. Boat safety now will be my main concern, and I hope everyone takes time to think , on how to control the boat in high waves. Does anyone know of and articles on the subject? Have any of you had similar boat control experiences , and How did you manage to get out...........Special Thanks goes to a man named Randy, from Marora, who gave me a ride to marina... and thank you God................