View Full Version : How much ice is there?

03-07-2009, 08:04 PM
Just curious of how much ice is on LBDN, around Gladstone north? going to head up in a couple days and wondering if its safe for a snowmobile and if I should bring the power auger or not? Thanks for any info!
-good luck fishermen-

03-07-2009, 09:02 PM
The question isn't if you should bring your power auger, but rather if you need to bring an extension. I fished south of Gladstone this morning and had about 2 feet of ice. A little sloppy on top but not too bad. I would imagine the ice on the north end is approaching 30 inches, but I haven't been up there since around New Year's weekend.

Capt. Jim McDonald

03-07-2009, 11:11 PM
I'd say about 2ft plus of ice lots of slush and some water on top of ice.You can drive around but kind of sloppy.