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View Full Version : Topics for Spring and Summer Seminars

Gene Dellinger
02-15-2009, 06:48 PM
With spring quickly approaching and summer right on its heels, we will be preparing for our Spring and Summer Seminars soon. We would like to open up the forum to your suggestion as to who you would like to see volunteer to speak and what topics you want to see covered. We will take all of your ideas into consideration. Feel free to provide feedback on our past speakers and topics and let us know if you'd like to see them back in the rotation this year.

02-25-2009, 02:20 PM
I've attended a few of the seminars and have been very impressed. The people that present have been top-notch and extremely knowledgeable.

As far as topics, being a somewhat new fisherman to the Madison chain, I am interested in the right way to learn a lake. I am a bass fisherman and have had a difficult time learning where to fish them on Mendota & Monona.

I hear people talk about the triangle, bible camp, etc but don’t really know what that means. If this topic is held, I would certainly attend the seminar, and would bring friends. Thanks, Eric

02-25-2009, 09:39 PM
Gene, how about getting someone from the DNR to speak about water quality issues concerning the Madison chain and/or regulation related issues.

I know the hole minnow transport issue had a lot of us confused last summer.

As far as water quality, I heard just last week that now panfish are now contaminated with Mercury, and I had always heard that they were safe to eat because they grew fairly quickly and didn't live that long.

Both plant and animal invasive species are also an issue.

What can we do as fishermen and user's of the lake to help improve the quality that has continued to degrade over the years. We have an incredibly valuable resource in these lakes and it is as if I am seeing them poisoned before my eyes.


02-26-2009, 11:30 AM
how about a seminar on shore fishing the madison chain

02-26-2009, 04:17 PM
I saw Travis Richardson talk about spring walleyes last year and it was very informative...but I didn't take notes and spring is right around the corner!
Might be nice to hear what he has to say again.
All the seminars have been very informative, though.

03-01-2009, 04:48 PM
I would like another talk on fishing for local "cats".

Gene Dellinger
03-02-2009, 06:35 PM
Thanks to those who replied to our post regarding any seminar speakers or suggestions! We are working on the schedule and should have it finalized and posted soon! We are just waiting for confirmation of schedules from some of the speakers. We are trying to get most of the people/suggestions that everyone had into the schedule.
The dates will be every Thursday evening at 7pm, right here at the store starting April 2nd and going through May 28th. So there will be a total of 9 seminars! Again, these are FREE to the public!! Just show up!!