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View Full Version : Was it the South wind???

02-11-2009, 07:38 PM
Not tonight but last night fished from 3:30-7:15 pm. Fished in the same area that produced pretty well over the weekend and never marked a fish or had a flag all night. Was it the south wind ? Any thoughts. Was like a river on top of the ice and the water rushing in the holes was cutting the ice like crazy .
Even noticed quite a few holes that I didn't want to get to close to because they were coned out quite a bit and I wouldn't want to drop a tire in one either. I know there is a lot of ice left , but be careful out there because I saw what happened to my holes in the shack and couldn't believe how fast they erode. Hopefully it will get cold again and harden everything up, especially the landings. Can't believe I'm hoping for more cold weather!!!
Any thoughts on the wind theory. Slammer!!!!

02-12-2009, 11:51 AM
:)okay,here's my thoery.When fishing in summer,fish the wind swept shore for walleye's.How that would pertain to ice fishing,not quite sure:confused:.So where were you fishing?

02-12-2009, 04:11 PM
Hey Birddog,

Was trying something different for a change and it worked over the weekend pretty well. Was fishing shallow water for a change 8-15 ft. north of kippling on one of the reefs. Did ok on the eyes (better than the last month) and marked and saw and caught lots of perch but no keepers-all very small.
Then tue went to the same area with lots of expectations and nothing. Can't say the water over the weeds wasn't oxegenated. Lots of rushing water going down those holes all over, even had healthy looking weeds. So best I can figure they moved deeper again with the heat wave or they really hated the south wind. Will be trying again now until next thursday, I'm off. Always looking for someone to go with and try different areas. If interested ,let me know. Slammer!!!!

02-12-2009, 09:56 PM
Hey Slammer,

I will be home this weekend from MTU and will be doing some fishing. Haven't been out since x-mas break so kinda looking forward to it. I will let you know if I do any good. Might try the old terrace bank or maybe out from the esky beach house. Maybe I'll see ya out there. -Kirbs-

02-12-2009, 10:17 PM
Hey ripadip,

Good to here from ya. FYI , I heard from my neighbor and don't know if it's true or not, but he heard someone went through behind or by the bandstand in Esky, so be damn careful. If your home give me a call and maybe I'll show ya how to drown a minnow. If your lucky , maybe I'll even let you sit on the new wheeler. Seriously though, lets hook up and go, seeing Whitey's not home. He's bad luck ya know. Slammer!!!

02-12-2009, 11:09 PM
hey kirbo... i'll be home this weekend.. if you.. well.. want to go with a pro.

02-13-2009, 02:38 AM
hey kirbo, ill be home too. seems like we should put some money in the pot for this one! biggest fish for the weekend?-Deaner