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View Full Version : Musky Mason's question

Ty Sennett
01-26-2009, 10:52 AM
Musky Mason wrote: "I would like to learn how, when, and with what you catch big muskies on the Chip with and in what conditions are best."

Lets start with the "when" first. The time of year is not that big of a concern for me. The nice thing about the Chip is it is really productive throughout the year. Even on cold front conditions it's possible to catch fish out there. Probably more important "when' is time of day. Every year there seems to be certain time periods that produce. We had one year where something like 80% of our fish were caught an hour or two after dark. I didn't get much sleep that year. Other years early morning was the time to be out. It's hard for the guy that comes up for a few days to figure that out. You basically have to be on the water all day.

The how and with what portion of the question can be covered best by looking back at most of the big fish catches throughout the years. I'd say Ghosttails Produce the most big fish for us on the Chip while Pacemakers and Globe style baits follow that up. We also get quite a few bigger fish in the fall on quickset rigs but that doesn't really correlate with what we're talking about.

Sometimes you just put your time in and it happens but your better off using the right baits while you're out there. Baits that work on some lakes don't necessarily work as good on others.

01-27-2009, 09:46 PM
My biggest problem is having confidence that there are fish on a spot, and then having the patience to work it w/ different lures and presentations. On a big body of water like the Chip, I'm always thinking I should be somewhere else. When you're vacation time is limited, it's hard not to get over that attitude.

Ty Sennett
01-28-2009, 10:33 AM
I run into the same thing when I go on trips or do tournaments on other lakes. You just have to believe it's going to happen. We fished one small area in the PMTT last year for the Championship and it almost payed off. It's hard to just say, hey this looks good so I'll fish the heck out of it. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.