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View Full Version : Record musky on the fly.

Red Childress
01-21-2009, 12:44 PM
Yes, I stole this link from another site.:)

Hey Jay, are you out there?? This link is just for you!


01-21-2009, 07:40 PM
LOL Yep, I am definitely still here!!

That is AWESOME!! Incredible that they landed TWO beasts at the same time on the flyrods!! I can't even imagine hooking into either of those fish period, let alone with a flyrod.

I am battling the worst case of Cabin Fever I have ever dealt with. I have been visiting the site everyday but have refrained from posting because I get myself all fired up for fishing and have no way to curb my appetite. With the things I have learned last year and having a boat from the start of the "season", I am not sure that I will make it until Spring to use it all. I might end up putting a sail on the boat and trolling a bait across the ice until the lakes thaw!! LOL

Its so bad that I am having a tough time reading and/or watching stuff regarding Musky fishing. As has been mentioned time and again, I just need to put time in on the water and I cannot wait to be able to do that. Thats whats driving me crazy!!

Ok, now that I have that off my chest, its great to see more info on the flyfishing side of things. I love the fly that was used to catch that fish. It looks like nothing I've seen before. Something tells me that I am going to have to break down and start tying again.

Hope everyone else is dealing with Winter a little better than I am!!


01-22-2009, 06:33 AM
"Something tells me that I am going to have to break down and start tying again."

Jay,only 51 1/2"to have the record.....think big baby!!!!

01-24-2009, 06:57 PM
LOL At this point, I'd be VERY happy to be able to add the length of three Muskies that I caught on the Flyrod that total 51.5". At least that would mean that I figured out how to set the hook on them!! LOL

01-29-2009, 08:47 AM
Wow! What a story.....that fly is interesting.... I have never like the hooking qualities of topwater stuff but maybe the small round deer hair head is the ticket plus the shape causes erratic behavior!! For bass I like the wooly sculpin for the same reason... I'm never careful trimming the head cause I want it uneven so it behaves very erraticly in the water when stripped. Seems like the Beauford is a keeper .... I'll ty some this year and give it a try!! Hey, Jay.... I finally saw Tombs musky book at the Somerset Fly show ... I am gonna have to get it.... looks good..... also has the fly patterns.


01-29-2009, 08:15 PM

I agree, AWESOME story!!

I have not even really gotten into the topwaters with Musky yet. Heck, I haven't even really gotten into the Musies yet!! LOL But, I'd love to see the action that fly has. I can just picture it chuggin through the water like a "dried out" sculpin pattern might. Might even be similar to some of the hopper patterns I have used over the years. It definitely looks pretty bulky. So, I would imagine it moves quite a bit of water.

I'll tell ya, I have read through Tomes' book about 3-4 times now and I am a big fan! Even though the first part of the book is Musky background, I think they do a very good job of describing the flyfishing side of things. And, I think they do a good job with the fly recipes, knot recommendations, etc...

I stumbled across another interesting website a few weeks back. The flies are called Swimtrue Musky flies. Try a google search and check them out. VERY interesting.
