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01-14-2009, 12:14 PM
I am currently on the market for a good quality pair of sunglasses. I usually just buy the cheap kind at the super mart. Anyone have any suggestions on a good all around pair.


01-14-2009, 04:22 PM
Depends on how much you are looking to spend. I have a pair of Oakleys that I wouldn't trade for the world, but I also owned a pair of Costa Del Mar's that were great glasses also. Both pair were around $175.00. If money isn't a concern go for the Costa's...better "on the water glasses" thatn the Oakley's.

01-15-2009, 12:05 AM
I was the same way for years: cheap cuz i'd scratch or break em.

recently went with maui jim. WOW. much better polarization than their inexpensive bretheren, scratch resistant and the ones I got at least are flexible and resist breaking.. and sooo lightweight!

very comfortable.

Red Childress
01-15-2009, 08:26 AM
I am using the H3Optix and like them because they fit my melon-head and are very light. MHM has them for around 110.00 and come with 3 sets of lenses which are for different light conditions.

Lots of musky rats have gone with Ocean Waves.....expensive, made of glass but have top notch polarization. Price range 220.00-250.00 the last time I checked.

01-15-2009, 08:33 AM
If you are in the market for a good pair of sunglasses and you don't have a ton of money check out sierra trading post. It's a closeout company that specializes in outdoor gear and have a ton of stuff for cheap. Costa Del Mar Tico Sport polarized originally 119.00 on sale for 69.95. @ webstore online. just add the .com to the name above.

Mark G.
01-15-2009, 10:57 AM
I agree...Sierra Trading Post is a great place to look for glasses, and alot of other things. I have been using them for years. They also carry some high quality clothing, especially raingear, at great prices. I have a "connection" for glasses and have had the chance to try a bunch...Costa Del Mar, Oakley, Solar Bat, Smith. You may also want to add Kaenon to your list of options. I have the Kore model and I find myself grabbing these quite a bit of the time. They have them on Sierra right now for $50...they were originally $180...that's a deal!

R Findlan
01-15-2009, 11:21 AM
I have a pair of Ocean Waves glasses with the backwater green lenses that I got last year. These are the most amazing glasses I have ever used. I was able to see very deep follows with ease and you can see the follows much further out from the boat which is what really impressed me. They are very expensive but are well worth the money.


01-15-2009, 04:29 PM
Has any one ever used any of the Wiley X polarized sungalsses by chance.


01-15-2009, 06:51 PM
:cool:Try The Sportsmens Guide! They have a pair from H2Optics called thunderbolts! They are usually $80 to $100, I got mine shipped to my house for like $35. I even bought 2 of my buddies a pair for christmas. They come in black and amber lenses. They have tons of shades on that site! Good Luck!
