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View Full Version : Spiderwire Ultracast

Red Childress
01-09-2009, 02:15 PM
I have been very impressed with the Ultracast this winter. My guides have stayed clear much longer since I switched from Power Pro.

01-09-2009, 02:50 PM
we chatted about various braids in the past and i used the ultracast, green, yellow and "supposedly "invisibraid this past year and i will NEVER go back to power pro. i wish i could comment on the non-freeze aspect but i can't!
do you feel the color of the line makes any difference to the muskies? in my experience it does not!

Red Childress
01-09-2009, 03:30 PM
I do not think the color matters at all........hell, if they will eat a jerkbait with 300# heavy gauge stainless steel attached to it, the braid must look like mono to them. :)

Extremely heavily pressured waters/gin clear water could make a measurable difference, however.

R Findlan
01-09-2009, 03:41 PM

I've been using the Ultracast since you recommended it for winter fishing and it has worked great. I was trying to use the masterbraid when it got cold in November but the diameter doubled when it froze and it made it difficult to reel in after a cast. I just broke my reel with ultracast on it a couple of days ago so I switched to a reel with Spectron last night and it also really absorbed the water and locked the reel up so I had to quit early. I'll never use another line when it comes to winter fishing, thanks again for the recommendation.


01-09-2009, 03:49 PM
red / reed / others...
what color(s) of ultracast have you been using?

R Findlan
01-09-2009, 05:59 PM
When I ordered the ultacast I was going to get the 80# green but Cabela's was out so I ordered the Invisi-braid which has worked great but I have been using it in murky water. Like I said earlier it holds almost no water so ice build up is very minimal as compared to other line I have tried. I haven't noticed much fraying either, I would recommend it. Hope this helps.


01-10-2009, 07:28 PM
I just made he switch to ultracast too. haven't even had a chance to try it but in looking at a number of threads on the subject of braid brand there seemed to be a lot of satisfied folk without any of the negative comments that were mixed in with the positive comments of other brands. lots of similar comments on water absortion too.

can't wait to try it.

Red Childress
01-11-2009, 08:00 AM

I have been using the Low-Vis Green. Like we discussed earlier, if using a fluoro leader (at least 8-10 inches long) even the "educated fish" will not have a problem eating the bait.

There are a couple of great online stores that have the stuff VERY cheap, especially if you are buying in bulk, which is what I like to do. I will try to post a link on here if I can find it.

BTW.......I switched over during the late summer and found the Ultracast to come off the reel much more quietly and quickly. I even had to tighten my brake a little because it came off so fast. The line diameter might even be a little smaller than PPro. I have heard good things about the Suffix as well.

01-11-2009, 01:12 PM
Red and others-

how much braid are you spooling on top of the mono backing. I haven't had a chance to try out the new curado setup with or without the ultracast, so I'm not certain if I put the right amt on. I went with 180 ft. either way, I'm sure the first backyard casts after thaw will be telling.

Red Childress
01-11-2009, 02:35 PM
I overdo it a bit and put on 100 yds. The reason I put so much on is if we have a "backlash from Hades" and have to cut line, there is still enough to finish the day instead of having to take up the client's time while re-spooling from scratch.

IMO, if you are using 80# or higher you should not need anymore line than twice your longest cast since you will be able to put some serious pressure on the fish to land it.....For me that equals about 70-80 yards or so. If you are trolling with the same reel, then you will need to make those adjustments based on how you like to troll.

H2O wolf
01-12-2009, 08:29 PM
I had my first real opportunity to put the ultracast (invisibraid) to the freeze test. Fished for 2.5 hours with air temps 27-30 degrees. Although some ice formed around the reel and on the guides this line performed excellent. Kept my gloves dry too.

Also first time using the glacier glove. Very satisfied with it and would recommend it.

Red Childress
01-13-2009, 08:37 AM
If you spray some Reel Majic on the line and the first 4-5 tip guides, that will really help in temps around 22 or so degrees.

H2O wolf
01-13-2009, 09:34 PM
So would you say that below 22 you're outa luck for casting? The more I fish in the winter the more I like it. Trying to learn all the tricks. I was hoping I'd get one before the really cold stuff comes. We'll see home much ice the rivers get.

Red Childress
01-14-2009, 06:25 AM
You can still pull it off in the upper teens but you really have to work with the guides to get the big chunks out. I popped 5 guide inserts out this winter trying to clear them on my trolling rigs. I did increase the size of my trolling reels and went with the Depthmaster Gold series reels from Cabelas and it really helped me keep the reels functional as compared to using smaller casting reels.

Switching to big spinning reels to use for casting made things MUCH easier as well in single digit temps.

Red Childress
01-16-2009, 08:29 AM
I do not think the Ultracast would prevent icing today!

Probably 1 cast and done today........