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View Full Version : sport shows 1/7-1/12

Steve Herbeck
01-05-2009, 10:29 AM
well, the sport show season has arrived.

this coming week-weekend from 1/7-1/12 will be a hectic one for us as there are 3 shows going at the same time that are typically spread out a bit more but important markets to see you all at so we'll be there.

kansas city- bartle hall wed-sun 1/7-1/12
my son danny will be there to answer all your questions,take reservations and deposits and talk alot of fishing.

pheasent run st charles ill thurs -sun 1/8-1/12
tri esox show-harper college fri-sun 1/9-1/12
me and pete will be doing these shows and look forward to seeing you.

kevin did the minn all canada show last weekend and though attendence was down a just bit from last year with the winter storm and the vikings playing those attending were serious about planning for and taking thier fishing and hunting trips.

come and see us,talk some fishing/hunting,get you reservations planned and for those already booked solidify/double check all your arrangements.
we have some spring and fall as well as show specials going with 08' rates holding for 09'.

with gas prices (.64 a liter in canada down from 1.40's last season) and airline travel pricing way down from last year as well as exchange prices up it makes taking trips much more attractive this season.

we'll see you there!!!

Jeff Kwilose
01-05-2009, 06:22 PM
Are you going to be at Harper on Sunday or Pheasant Run? See you at either one. Jeff, Phil and Dave

Steve Herbeck
01-05-2009, 06:32 PM
good to hear from you guys!
i'll be at pheasent run thurs,pete will be there fri-sun and i'll be at harper college fri-sun.
look'n forward to seeing you and catching up.
how's the new family doing?
keeping you busy i imagine.
knowing you guys i'll bet you're itching to get some fishing in.
see ya there,

Jeff Kwilose
01-06-2009, 10:25 AM
Family is great!! My son is now 9 months and we have another on the way. Phil also had a son in August so my Dad and Mom are busy grandpartents. It was tough not getting up there last year, been going now almost 12 years to AML. Got the ok from the wife so we will see you and have a labatts with you on Sunday! Got up to Wisconsin though for a few days and got out with Larry Ramsell and were telling war stories about you and others. Can't wait til July!! Say hi to Danny, Cal, Darcy and the guys. See ya Sunday.

Steve Herbeck
01-06-2009, 08:33 PM
god help us all!!
will be a blast to see you again!!

01-06-2009, 11:24 PM
Hey Steve,
How's are things, Danny and the crew?

It looks like we'll be trying to move last years August trip to July with a couple/few more guests. I'll be at the show on Sunday and we can chat then.

See you Sunday!
Take care - Duke

P.S. What kind of bait do you think this Kwilose guy is using? 2 Babies stacked like that? Enjoy them Jeff. Kids are the best!

Steve Herbeck
01-07-2009, 09:15 AM
sounds good!
looking forward to seeing you again, having you on board and spending time with you guys.
steve herbeck

Jeff Kwilose
01-07-2009, 11:48 AM
Hey Duke,
Made me laugh out loud!! You from Chicago area? Gonna be up to AML 3rd week of July how about you guys? Can't wait to get up there and have a chance at putting a pig in the boat. Herbie, did you see the Dale McNair fish yet? Suppose to be at the Chicago Show. What a PIG!!

Steve Herbeck
01-07-2009, 12:42 PM
ya i seen a pic,can't wait to see the fish it's self.
neat to see it happen.
we were chasing 2 fish like that last season both stayed in relativley small areas unlike the several i've seen in the past 15 yrs that you see but never again,just in dreams and nightmares,thought we had a good chance at these,but... maybe next season. it's got to happen sooner or later,to many good fishermen and it is reality,there are several fish at least in that calibur or better in the system.

01-07-2009, 07:49 PM
Dude I hope its you, with all of the time and effort you put into eagle its bound to happen. But even if its not you it will be out of your camp, with the quality guides your run and the number of good fisherman that are at AML its going to happen sooner than later.

This is the season,