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View Full Version : Moonshine Shiver Minnows

The Bait Shop Guy
01-04-2009, 09:20 PM
Tom over at Moonshine Lures has hit a home run with his new Shiver Minnows. They've easily been the best selling baits at the shop so far this winter. There are eight colors available - Atomic Trout, Blue Clown, Emminator, Hot Perch, Red Grapes, JJ Mac Muffin, Shell Bell, and Yellowtail. They all have the super glow paint jobs that Moonshine is famous for. They're about the size of a #7 Jigging Rap, with a beefy rear hook and no front hook (how many times have you brought up a fish, snagged the front hook on the ice, and had the fish shake off?) You can pick one up at Bay View Bait and Tackle, or anyplace that handles Moonshine Lures.

Here are all the colors and a closeup of a few that made it into my box, (now all I need is a chance to go and try them out!)

01-04-2009, 10:59 PM
I finally got a chance to try the Shiver Minnow out the past few days and I am really happy with them. The action is great with a little roll on its side when it is jigged agressively...need more practice with them. Although I have all the colors, I only used the JJ Mac Muffin and caught quite a few fish on it without any bait. Couldn't use them the whole time though because I was in deep water and the current was really strong so at times I had to go to a #9 rap just to "see" my bait on the 522. I am hoping to get my hands on a bigger size soon. I agree with Chris that is kinda nice when you are bringing a fish through the hole that you don't have to worry about the front hook snagging the ice!

Check out fish coming up off bottom on the graph when I was taking the pic. Yeah, I missed the hookset on that one!

Capt. Jim McDonald


01-05-2009, 06:50 AM
I agree, these baits are the best swim bait I have used. Very good action when jigged and so far the wallyeyes can't resist them. I just need to figure out how to keep them attached to my line. The fish seem to keep biting them off. I guess that just goes to show you how much the fish just want to eat them!

Take care and tight lines fellas. And by the way Great Bait Tommy. Keep up the good work!

01-05-2009, 09:28 AM
Red grape has been the best color for me. I did catch a 31" on blue clown Saturday morning.

01-05-2009, 03:17 PM

I think a head to head battle may be necessary with the new moonshine. I'll have to bring a few extra for you so when you break one off, you can't use that as an excuse of why you were dominated. May be time again to take you to school. This is your warning, SCHOOL IN NOW IN SESSION, if my wife will let me go:p

01-05-2009, 05:24 PM
Remember one thing Dom, to "school" someone you must first show up to school! Hopefully we can get this on soon! I think up for the challenge. I just ordered some light cable to spool up with. Them toothy critters will not bite that off.

The Bait Shop Guy
01-07-2009, 08:34 PM
I see Tom has the color chart on his website now, showing them in "glow mode." Check it out http://www.moonshinelures.com/shiver_minnow.html