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View Full Version : You Ain't Going To Believe This.

Frank Walsh
12-31-2008, 03:42 PM
All along I have been saying how good the fishing has been so far. If fact, it has been so good, that we ran out of bait today. Just barely made it to the next shipment. We ran out a hour of so before the new bait arrived, and as a joke, the guys put pickled herring on the hook. Guess what? Worked fine. I'm in disbelief.

So much for the exotic shiners, Rosy Reds, etc.

Ed Spoerl
12-31-2008, 04:59 PM
So Frank,

If you were to compare the fishing to the amount of “you knows” spoken by Caroline Kennedy, would you say fishing is as good as a 1 min speech or 2 min speech by Caroline?

Secondly, did the fish prefer the herring in a wine cream sauce or vinegar? Dang it pass the crackers I’m getting hungry! LOL

Happy New Year!


Frank Walsh
12-31-2008, 05:03 PM
I do believe it was vinegar. I'll check.

Caroline is kind of like Darren Nixon's first 54" fish. Take out the "F"-word, it would be a silent film.

01-01-2009, 07:11 AM
Ah,the old Omega 3 trick.
Pop a few in your own mouth and solve any sore joint or 'jigging wrist' problems as well.Sweet-or actually a bit sour,deal.

Frank Walsh
01-01-2009, 07:49 AM
Ever see a walleye with arthritis?

I rest my case.

Frank Walsh
01-01-2009, 05:13 PM
Checked with the guys when they were leaving. Wine sauce.

01-09-2009, 12:18 PM
I once caught a nice bluegill on a rather large booger. You just never know!

01-09-2009, 05:39 PM
Just nominated your post for 'post of the year'-and its early in 0/9!Good work!
You're not the inventor of a muskie buzz bait are you?

01-09-2009, 07:03 PM
d pear-
Nope. I just invent things that I really need but can't buy anywhere. Some of it's good and some of it's crap. Glad you enjoyed the booger reference. Sometimes when the fish are just plain committing suicide (the days are rare) it's fun to see how suicidal they really are. I would never eat a booger myself but in that case, it must have looked like a copod to that 'gill. I sincerely hope you didn't spew coffee when you read that! I have, on occasion, tried some other stuff too. Another whole thread could be started just to find out everyone else's bizarre tactics.

Speaking of things that buzz, did you ever see a "buzz stick"? It was an ice fishing rod which had a battery in the handle and a button you could push to make the tip vibrate. I think it caught more fishermen than it caught fish. It was supposed to make your jig gyrate down there in the zone and drive the fish postal. From what I heard (I never took the bait and bought one) it would cause the sensation all the way to any depth above two feet below the hole. That just ain't near deep enough for where I fish.

Sorry guys, I know this started with pickled fish as bait. Didn't mean to detract from that............T