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12-29-2008, 11:13 AM
just a little heads up as many of you who tip toe out off esky docks and light house... we have an ore boat docked at the power plant now. my buddy works on it and said they will be out breaking ice today for the next boat thats comming in... not sure when that boat will be in but they will be out breaking ice today in the shipping lane... wish i had this info sooner but thought i'd pass on what info i had now...

good luck and be careful guys...

The Bait Shop Guy
12-30-2008, 06:22 AM
Thanks for the information. Does anyone know if there's a website where you can track the freighter activity? Or at the very least, a phone number to call?

12-30-2008, 10:45 AM
i guess they only broke a little ice around the boat yesterday but pretty sure they still plan on breaking ice in the shipping lanes not sure if that will be today but keep an eye out for it... i'll get some more info today and ask for some phone numbers...

12-31-2008, 08:29 AM
Thanks for the information. Does anyone know if there's a website where you can track the freighter activity? Or at the very least, a phone number to call?

Yes there is a great website for tracking the vessels on the great lakes...


go to vessell passage

Benzie Rover
12-31-2008, 09:43 AM
just curious how much ice the were breaking out there right now, I am guessing it was only a couple inches, but would appreciate knowing how much is around the channels or boats if you happen to know.


The Bait Shop Guy
12-31-2008, 10:55 AM
Thanks Jim. One of our customers recommended that site to me yesterday. The Escanaba section hasn't been updated since mid September. Looks like it just told you when they were loaded. Looking for something that will let you know when they are coming in ahead of time. I know a couple of guys that work down at the ore docks. I'll ask them who to talk to the next time they're in the shop.