View Full Version : New Lures this Season

Musky Mason
12-20-2008, 11:34 PM
What are the new lures coming out this season?

Musky Mason

Ty Sennett
12-22-2008, 12:17 PM
I haven't seen too many new baits coming out this year. The Medusa is one of the new ones. It's kind of like a Bulldawg. Musky Inovations also has a new one. It's a tube skirt and reaper tail type bait. Other than that, there really isn't much new that I've heard of anyway.

I think this year will be a tough year to come out with a bait because so many were introduced the last couple years. I think we need a year to regroup.

12-23-2008, 12:50 AM
I haven't heard of much coming out this year.

One thing that I did hear though, was that Ghosttails were coming out with some new stuff. I couldn't tell you exactly what yet, but thats just what I heard through the grape vine. They always come up with some cool stuff and are always ahead of the game. Like Ty said in an earlier post, you can never have too many Ghosttails.

I also heard that Pete was going to be marketing his Wigglin' Billy bucktails that him and his dad (and others) did so well with on the Flowage last year. With the colors he ties and the concept of being able to change blades and tails colors easily, it would be a shame not to atleast take a look at them at the shows. I think he is going to be at a few of the major musky shows working at the Pastika's booth along with his bucktails.

Musky Mayhem with thier baby Showgirls (#6 double blades I beleive).

Hopefully, Big Game will have the plastic cranks/twitch baits and Ty will have some cool new custom colors on his baits at the shows again this year!