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View Full Version : Lac Vieux Desert 12/18

Winddrift Dave
12-18-2008, 08:29 PM
I drilled three separate holes today, each over a 100 yds. apart and found 9 1/2" thickness of ice here off the north shore. That is up from the 8" from this last Sunday. After riding around the lake today, three guys told me they had 14" where they were at by Big Duck island. Highly unlikely as everyone else I talked with said it was around 10". Unbelievably I ran across atleast four different truck tracks in the 4-6" snow cover, mostly off the south shore. I saw two vehicles parked next to each other off the west shore. That is tempting fate a little. Atleast we're getting our subzero temps with very little insulation and as of now, no slush to be found.

Winddrift Dave
12-21-2008, 12:21 PM
Yesterday the ice measurements were 12 - 14" thickness. One small slush pocket with thickness at 10 1/2" out front. It gained 3-5" after two nights of -15 to -20*. Biggest help is still the minimal snow cover. Most of the major accumulations have been staying further south. Average snow depth on the ice is around 8-10".
The vehicles will be driving all over, but still best to err on the side of caution. This is solely an ice thickness measurement, never a recommendation for driving your vehicle on the ice tho.