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View Full Version : What's your biggest walleye (aka Hard AS_'s annonomous club)

Illinois Dennis
11-26-2008, 06:07 PM
I guess my biggest walleye is 28.5 inches.

When I'm in camp ice fishing, and I get a nice walleye, or northern for that matter, I'm going to ring the sh_t out of the fuggin bell! The whole island is going to think there is a fire at Bay Store.

30 inch to ring da dam bell..... democrat????

How many of you that voted 30 inches to ring the bell have even seen a 30 inch walleye? More than once????


Tim Kelly
11-26-2008, 06:29 PM
I know a man who can....


... or could, when he had a proper boat!

Frank Walsh
11-26-2008, 07:16 PM
Amazing what you can do with Photo Shop!:D

Illinois Dennis
11-26-2008, 08:37 PM
That was a good one Tim. And the modest Frank; nice fish.... very nice fish. But you only get to ring the bell once.

Maybe it's the economy, stupid. Instead of lowering the limits in hard times, the aka club wants to raise the limits. You have the White House, what else do you want?????

Frank Walsh
11-26-2008, 09:28 PM
The standards will be set by the tribal council. I'm staying out of it. The people will speak.

BTW, I stumbled on another one from last year. Right after you (Dennis) left, where we were fishing with Kevin.

Illinois Dennis
11-26-2008, 09:48 PM
I remember you saying something about that catch; day late and you know what. Could be Alkida in that photo, have to file that away since I take such poor shots- can't keep the dam fur hat looking dapper.

Remember that 26-27 incher that I had up to the hole and it got off. Put another one of those dead jumbo bagged shimmers you sell, dropped it down and wam.... got her the second time. Don't usually have the luck to see a second shot at a nice fish.

Ya ya, the tribal vote will vote for the second time this month; same outcome it looks like.


11-28-2008, 08:01 AM
For myself and Shorty, I can only remember catching fish in the 24" - 26" size, and there is nothing wrong with that size.

11-30-2008, 05:28 PM
I caught a 30" walleye my second time to baystore on a 10" believer. This was pre-digital camera era for me, so I'll have to dig around for the photo. I've had many 27-28.5"ers in my boat, almost all on muskie baits, so I don't think they are that worthy of ringing the bell. And I guess I chose 30" over 29" because I like nice round numbers. Now I've had all of one 50" muskies in my boat, which I didn't catch, so I don't necessarily agree that it is so much easier, but then again I don't troll.

How about a 40" muskie through the ice? Is that enough of a feat, because it is rare, that it would deserve a bell ringing? I don't think so, which is why the bar, or bell in this case should be mounted high.

Frank Walsh
11-30-2008, 05:31 PM
A muskie through the ice is the rarest of rare occurrences. I have only seen it happen twice, and once is the one you are referring to.