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View Full Version : Year end lure totals

Ty Sennett
11-21-2008, 10:55 AM
Someone asked what lures we caught our fish on this year so I tallied them up. Here they are:

Ghosttails: 22 fish
Pacemakers: 16 fish
Suckers: 16 fish
Bucktails: 8 fish
Stillwaters: 6 fish
Big Game: 4 fish
Slammer Cranks: 3 fish
Rough Runners: 2 fish
CJ Spinners: 2 fish
Crane Baits: 2 fish
Suick: 1
Spinnerbait: 1
Buzzbait: 1
Topwalker: 1
Bulldawg: 1
Medusa: 1
Fuzzy Duzzit: 1
Giant Flasher: 1
and some others

Chuck Schranz
11-21-2008, 11:58 AM

Very interesting and just a few observations on this year's results. Would expect the ghosttail and pacemaker to lead the chart along with suckers during the fall season. These three "baits" accounted for 57% of the total.

I know you're a fan of the "Big Game" bait especially when twitched rapidly. Great triggering bait and very good in those weedy pocket areas...why such poor results this year? Also, I know that you throw a suick quite a bit and only one hooked fish this year.
Giant flashers and DC-10's produce almost evrywhere.

What happened this year? Do you think the fish were "on the move" more this year and not where they were supposed to me based on water temps and time of season?

Just curious...I throw a suick quite a bit and other than an occasional northern I had little success this year.

Shed some light if you can


Ty Sennett
11-21-2008, 12:11 PM
Not surprising to see Ghosttails and the number one bait. It is every year. We usually have more on topwater though. Not the best topwater year. The weird thing looking back was the strange numbers for lures like Suicks, Big Games, Slammers, Stillwaters, and Rough Runners. We usually catch a lot more on those baits. This was one of those years where if you used the old standards you didn't catch fish. I really had a great time with clients this year but I'm kind of glad it's over to get a fresh start next year with some fish that cooperate better. The cold spring really goofed things up this year. I felt as though the fish would start to really get going only to totally shut down the next day. Still a great year regardless. Thanks to everyone that fished this year. It was a blast!

Ty Sennett
11-21-2008, 12:13 PM
The first sentence should say Ghosttails "as" not Ghosttails "and"


Ryan M
11-21-2008, 06:04 PM
I remember Ty saying that fish were hitting and following a lot more in the eight. I wonder if that has something to do with the low #'s for jerks/cranks opposed to more lineal baits like bucktails and pacemakers.

1 on the suick just doesn't seem right. Like Al Franken, I demand a recount!

Ty Sennett
11-22-2008, 02:10 PM
I agree there should have been more caught on Suicks. Not sure why there weren't more. As for the straight reeled baits getting more hits than jerkbaits at the boat; we did have quite a few eat right at the boat and in the figure eight on crankbaits and Bulldawgs. We didn't land many of them though. It's a little tougher to get hooks into a fish in the figure eight on jerkbaits than bucktails.

As for the reasons why..................not sure. I could say this, that, and the other, but to tell you the truth I have no clue. My guess would be the cold spring but we've had cold springs before and the fish didn't hit in figure eights those years. It's just something you can't put a finger on.

Chuck, the Big Game and Slammer bite is beyond me. Not sure why they weren't hitting them much. In late October that's about all they would go after though. They definitely like them at that time.