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View Full Version : What would you do if..............

Red Childress
11-20-2008, 10:09 AM
The "Winter-net" has arrived just in time for Thanksgiving.:)

What are you going to do if you REALLY think you have caught a state record fish, OTHER THAN a musky??? Kill or release it??

or if you dare to answer this one......

What about a BIG musky that appears to be in the low to mid-50 pound range that COULD BE A STATE RECORD??? Kill her to get a certified weight or release her??

11-20-2008, 01:21 PM
"Other fish" I don't really keep updated on the records so probably would release it not knowing any better. Most other species could be hauled around and kept alive so that would probably be an option for a live release record.

Muskie, I have two scales one digital and one spring both go to #50 so If I bottomed out both scales then I would have to make the choice at that time.

I always wondered what would happen when I got my first 50"+ fish if I would question what to do with it. The thought never crossed my mind. It was the normal race to get it off the hook get a quick pic and back to the water. Only difference is I placed it back in the net in the water for a girth measurment and weight. Then quicky sent her on her way, after I made sure the picture turned out good!!!
Maybe 20-30 seconds out of the water at most.

It was a great feeling watching her swim off strong with no question or doubt that she was in perfect shape and will be there next year to catch again.

I guess in the nutshell.....not sure.
If I'd kill it I would have to know for sure it was a record, with no doubt.
I'd need a scale that goes bigger before I would be sure so, release I guess?

11-20-2008, 07:02 PM
honestly, If it were a walleye I would keep it. It would be eaten and it would not go to waste. Bass, I would get a pic and send it on it's way pretty much the same way with everything else. I would have to make the decision when it was happening..... although I am not one to waste the fish so it depends. Also thanks to the advent of cell phones It is easier then ever to get the fish weighed and I am very sure that your local fish warden would be more than willing to weigh a fish even if it fell short. I am sure that you would be able to keep it alive and in good health until someone arrived. If not.... take a pic get the girth, length, and weight in the long run who really cares you know what you got!

11-20-2008, 07:49 PM
I released what I believe was a state record chain pickeral a bunch of years ago. My 31 inch walleye was eaten, but I think I'd release that fish now. I'd release any musky at this point as well...I just have to get better at picking them up for pictures! (especially if I'm in my canoe or we might have a good disaster story to add to the list). I'm to the point in my fishing career where I only keep a few fish to eat (walleyes) and release the rest. With digital pics I just keep adding to my collection.

11-20-2008, 09:01 PM
i would like to get a nice river walleye mounted, and now days they don't need the fish just some measurements and a couple pics. i don't really keep track of the state records so i would probably release it. at least that is what i would like to think i would do.

11-20-2008, 10:46 PM
Other than.....keep it.

For the musky i would have to know for sure it was a record to keep it. I catch and release skies now. I had eaten them in the past but for what you get out of them i think it's a waste of a beautiful fish imo. The 48.5" i caught last year did it for me. I always regretted not letting her go !!! She would be a 50" now !!!