View Full Version : 7/7 Musky Hunt

Red Childress
07-08-2023, 07:44 AM
We set sail just after sunrise hoping to bag Jeff’s first musky. After playing around with a few smallmouth on topwater, we pulled out the big stuff around 8:30. At 9:45, Jeff made the common mistake of not finishing off his cast with a fig-8. I saw Jeff’s fish come to the surface as he pulled his lure out of the water and I pointed quietly at the (super-hot) fish as she tried to eat it. Jeff quickly put his lure back in the water and the fish immediately returned like a missle but got spooked and was gone for good. We went back on her 20 minutes later but no luck.

The fish was one of the largest I had seen this year. Jeff was a little bummed out but handled the situation much better than I would have. If I had a dollar for every musky I saw get botched at boatside, I would be a rich man. That little break in concentration or being a little lazy during just 1 single cast can make or break your day.

Anyway, we did not see another toothy the rest of the day and Jeff certainly did not forget to do a fig-8 the rest of the day either.:). Water temps South of Warren were in the 72 degree range which is a little warm for this time of year.

Good luck and stay tuned!