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View Full Version : It’s about time to get things fired up for 2023!

Red Childress
02-21-2023, 08:04 AM
My new hip is feeling better each week and the days are getting longer. We might do the first musky trip of the year on Thursday as long as the rain isn’t going to be too bad.

Without any real snow pack for the Spring thaw, we should have lower than normal river flows over the next several weeks. Water temps are already a little warmer than usual as well.

It was a nice winter of traveling to see my youngest daughter play her first college basketball season. Hopefully, everyone has a great 2023 and the fish are cooperative for all of us!

Stay tuned!

Red Childress
03-08-2023, 06:24 AM
We were thinking about doing a walleye trip this Saturday but the weather forecast looks a little chilly. The river level is at a number I do not like for late-season walleye fishing either. It looks like we will have some lower river flows this Spring since there is very little snow pack on the ground. River temps are still in the mid-30’s.

Good luck and stay tuned!

Red Childress
03-15-2023, 05:26 AM
After watching the weekend forecast remain unchanged for several days, we decided to push our musky trips to a different date. I am not too sad about the cancellation since I will be able to watch all of the NCAA wrestling championships on Saturday.

Stay tuned and good luck!

Red Childress
03-31-2023, 05:37 AM
As of now, we are still planning to chase muskies tomorrow with the hopes that the weather person is a pessimist! Sunday looks pretty clear but the cold front is gonna suck a little.

Good luck and stay tuned!