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The Tiny Fisherman
11-18-2008, 10:28 AM
About this time every year I like to post a tribute to a very dear friend, Mark Fort. As most of you long time viewers may know Mark lost his life out on the Flowage. It’s hard to believe its been six years.

The date Friday, November 29, 2002, day after Thanksgiving. The hunting season was late that year, opening day was the 23rd. It was a cold fall and there was good ice by the first part of that following week. Mark went out on the big water ice fishing by himself and never came back.

Please be very careful this coming ice fishing season.

11-18-2008, 05:28 PM

I've read your posts about Mark in the past. I didn't know him, but I do one thing for sure. He was lucky to have a friend like you who remembers him.

11-19-2008, 06:23 PM
Mark was a really good guy.
Was just thinking about him the other day.
Thanks for your tribute to him.

The Tiny Fisherman
12-01-2008, 08:29 AM
Thanks George and Gus,

Mark would of had a ball ice fishing this last weekend. We talked about how he would of had us out on the Big Water this past week.

Well Mark hope your catching the big ones....

01-05-2009, 01:59 PM
I just read your post about Mark. I don't know why but I just googled his name and found this. I met Mark over 30 years ago when I camped on the Chippewa Flowage. Mark only worked there about 3 weeks and I happened to meet him during this time.

You might enjoy this story about Mark.

Three girls, Mark, Me and my best friend got drunk one night around a campfire. Mark was living at the Winter Dam on the Flowage and would ride his boat back and forth to the Lake Chippewa Camdgrounds. That night he got lost and ended up back at the campgrounds. He borrowed a sleeping bag from another camper and we offered for him to bunk down in our tent since it was an eight man tent. At about 3 AM, Mark started hitting me in the legs and asking for a flashlight because something had just walked over his chest. I turned on the light and there were 2 skunks in the tent! Needless to say we slept under the stars on top of picknick tables while the skunks had the tent. I remember Mark telling me an easy way to remember his last name, it sounds similair to the first bodily function you need to do in the morning.

When I returned to the campgrounds 5 years ago with my boys, Don Robinson told me the tragic news. I had always wanted to look Mark up to reminise about that night in the campgrounds.

The Tiny Fisherman
01-05-2009, 03:56 PM
Thanks for sharing you story about Mark. I could just see you guys, I'm all cracked upped.

That was one thing Mark sure lead an adventures life. We would get together and boy did he have the stories. Some of my best times with him would be sitting on a bucket, watching tip-ups. He had a gift to gab, time would fly.

In the summer we (Mark, his wife, Fluffy and myself) would go cruising (note not trolling) the flowage looking for a place to beach our boats. We have drinks and grill and at the days end we’d head to one or the others cabin to wine and dine. Mark would be all red and one eye and say, “Timmy, we sure did it good today, let's do it again tomorrow”. Boy I sure miss that.

Again thanks for sharing your story,

01-05-2009, 06:18 PM
That was a great story about Mark.
Made me laugh.Thanks.

01-06-2009, 09:02 PM
From what you guys speak of Mark, I can tell where his son got his spirit. I was lucky enough to meet his son this fall and he has taught me so many things in such a short time. It is awesome when god puts someone special into your life. Someone who teaches you everything they know without wanting anything in return other than the respect of keeping the flowage clean and apprectiating all its glory.

God bless all those who look down on us.