View Full Version : TFF Update

Don Pemble
06-07-2022, 06:46 AM
Thought it's time to post an updated fishing report. All species have been on a pretty good bite as of late, gills and crappies are active in the shallow weeds, as are the pike chasing them. Small jigs tipped with small pieces of crawlers or medium fatheads have both been productive. Walleye have also been on a very good bite, wind blown shorelines has been hot at times with Invasion jigs tipped with large fats or 1/2 crawlers. In the last few days, a very slow retrieve or just casting out and leaving your bait rest on the bottom with Invasion jigs tipped with 1/2 crawler has been very effective in 8 to 12 foot over wood and softer bottom. Eyes are down there and digging in the mud for mayfly larvae which are showing up big time in their stomachs as are developed mayfly, not the big mayflys, medium ones but the eyes are eating them big time. Might want to try slip bobbers for them, but keep your bait close to the bottom. Have also heard of good results from the smallmouth anglers.

Don's Guide Service