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View Full Version : Mother's Day idea

Todd Forcier
04-09-2022, 09:00 AM
*A great Mother's Day idea

Remember the times when Mom and the rest of the family went fishing when you were a kid? That was fun for you, wasn't it? You know what you're Mom was thinking? "ANOTHER TANGLE?!" "Just don't fall in!" "Be patient, it's fishing, not catching!" I'm guessing we're some of her quotes.
It's a great time to treat her to a stress-free day of fishing.
Forciers Fishing Guide Service offers Mother's Day gift certificates that will let your Mom know you appreciated all the time she spent keeping you entertained and happy.
Purchase a gift certificate and I'll email you a custom certificate you'll be proud to present Mom on her special day.
Once she receives the certificate we can set a date to get her out on the water.
Please contact me for further details.