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View Full Version : November 16 Report

Ken Jackson
11-16-2008, 05:54 AM
I won't be too long and this whole area will be frozen. The shallow lakes are on the border of turning into a big slushie. Big lakes are dropping quick too, but you can still find some 40 degree water. There has been some skim ice on some shallow bays of some lakes and access will become an issue and you'll need to break ice to get out.

I went out Thursday night and netted ciscoes as their spawning ritual was underway. They make good snacks when smoked and can still be used for bait in specific instances (ice fishing especially).

Just for the fun of it, I worked some action lakes in the last two days and tried to see how many suckers I could beat up. 10 hits total in 8 hours of fishing with 5 in the boat between 35 and 37 inches. No huge fish obviously, but thats not the point. It was a good time. Most sucker hits were in the afternoon and depths of 11 to 14 feet had the highest activity.

For those of you who enjoy going to the Thunderbird and know Fritz, give him an attaboy on his first two muskies. He braved the cold with me and afterward we stopped by Sayner Pub for some chilli and a pizza to warm up again.

I'll still be fishing and I do have a couple more days open for guiding, but it is close to the end. Deer season is Saturday and there are some impressive animals here in St. Germain. (some big deer too)

Enjoy the pics and hopefully I'll have more to show you soon.

Brother Tom with ciscoes - Fritz and the three fish from Saturday.