View Full Version : We battled the high water……..

Red Childress
07-22-2021, 07:12 AM
and after 6 hours of chasing various fish species, we could only net 2 bass and had 1 lazy musky follow. Water temps had dropped 9 degrees in the last few days which usually makes things tough for awhile. We only saw very very few baitfish as well.

During summer, anytime the Kinzua discharge surpasses the 5000cfs mark, the bottom gates must be used as well. The bottom gates pull the coldest water from the bottom of the Rez which, in turn, really cools the river quickly. The quick cooling seems to put the fish in a very negative mode (think cold-front). After several days they get acclimated to their new temperature and begin acting normal again.

River temps ranged between 59 and 62 depending on location.

Good luck and stay tuned!

Red Childress
07-24-2021, 05:13 AM
We hit the high water again yesterday catching a few nice bass and missing a big brown at boatside. Boat control has been challenging to say the least. I wish my trolling motor batteries were nuclear powered!

Water temps were 62-64 depending on location.

Good luck and stay safe!

Red Childress
07-25-2021, 06:53 AM
We netted a few nice bass yesterday but had to cover lots of (high) water to do so. These river conditions have been very challenging to say the least!

Red Childress
07-26-2021, 07:23 AM
It was almost a repeat performance from the day before. We pretty much caught bass in the same spots on Sunday but the sizes were smaller. Water temps have risen a degree or two over the past few days and will eventually be back to normal as soon as the Kinzua discharge is decreased.

I’m going to take a couple days off for some awesome yard work and then (hopefully) some musky fishing later in the week.

Good luck and stay tuned!

Red Childress
07-26-2021, 02:33 PM
I forgot to mention the soft shell turtle we caught (in the mouth) Sunday. Prolly a 2 pounder. That was turtle #4 (for the boat) in my 29 year history of fishing the Allegheny………only 1 behind the total number of Tiger muskies we have boated from the river.:)