View Full Version : 7/15 High Water Fishing

Red Childress
07-16-2021, 07:49 AM
We gave it a try yesterday as we chased bass and pike while the river kept rising. We had difficulties in keeping fish hooked after the strike. We netted 6 or 7 smallish bass and 1 nice pike in 5 hours of fishing. Water temps had dropped several degrees since the following week due to the increase of cooler water from the dam. Without the extra cleaner/cooler water being released, the visibility would have been terrible. Instead, the clarity was pretty poor which made things more difficult. Water temps ranged between 65 and 68 depending on location. All tributaries were high and still pumping some stain into the river. After today’s big rain comes and goes, I expect the river will be even higher and more muddy for the weekend.

I hope to chase river muskies on Sunday/Monday but it is likely we will have to cancel.

Good Luck and stay tuned!