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View Full Version : Weekend Muskies 6/19 and 6/20

Red Childress
06-21-2021, 06:50 AM
My buddies and I hit Chautauqua Lake over the weekend and had a blast. We saw 11 fish on Saturday and 10 on Sunday while dodging storms and getting wet periodically over the weekend. Of the 21 fish, 5 actually ate the bait and only 2 hit the net. The largest fish we saw/hooked was a low-40’s fish during the final hour on Sunday when she crushed my Leo at boatside, went airborne and was lost immediately.

Like everyone else I know, we wanted to find some larger fish but just couldn’t get it done. Water temps were in the 71-72 range and the weekend boating traffic was heavy as usual. I am really looking forward to fishing on weekdays after this last week of teacher workdays.

Good luck out there and stay tuned!