View Full Version : 6/12 and 6/13 Weekend Fishing

Red Childress
06-14-2021, 05:23 AM
After a slow start, Saturday ended up being a pretty solid day for us. We smacked several nice bass and pike and netted 2 walleye before 1pm. The river was running above normal and had some stain depending on where you were fishing.

We decided to chase muskies on Sunday. River levels had dropped somewhat, the stain had somewhat cleared and the sun was bright (even though the forecast was for cloudy skies) which made things tougher. We did not have any musky action by noon so we quit. A couple pike is all we could muster.

Water temps were still slowly rising and had reached the low-60’s where we were fishing. I am starting to see this year’s young-of-the-year spawn gathering around newly developed weed. Once again, it looks like we will have plenty of food in the river again this year.

Next weekend will be all about chasing muskies. I am not sure where we will fish but there will be some fishing taking place. 9.5 days of school left in NY.:)

Good luck and stay tuned!