View Full Version : TFF Update

Don Pemble
07-15-2020, 06:02 AM
Walleye action the past two weeks has tapered off some but the panfish action has remained very good. It's that time of year again, hot weather, mayflies, large perch hatch and rising water temps, all contribute to the slow down of the walleye action. Walleyes are still being caught, mostly younger ones, 10 to 11 inchers, with a occasional adult eye tucked in with them. Most action lately has come out of 12 to 16 foot depths over large submerged stumps and laid down timber. Invasion jigs tipped with either 1/2 crawlers or large to extra large leeches has been the most productive. Panfish, both perch and bluegills have been on a great bite, size down on jig size and use medium leeches or a 2 inch piece of crawler in the shallow weeds and shoreline downed trees and brush, lots of fish still in the shallows, still picking up and occasional eye along with some real nice smallies, the pike bite has dropped off thank God.

Back out again today for a two week go at it, will keep you updated.

Don's Guide Service

07-19-2020, 11:00 AM
50 years ago, you could come back to Springstead Landing with a 5 walleye limit all over 15" and an adult walleye was 20" and up. 50 years later, we put on a mask to buy bait and can come back to the landing with just 1 walleye over 15". Everyone using the flowage must someday abide by the same size limits, until that occurs there will continue to be discrimination and restrictions on the hook and line angler. Hopefully progress over the next 50 years will be better. Just my 2 cents.

Thank you for all your fishing reports Don. God Bless ya.