View Full Version : TFF Update

Don Pemble
08-12-2019, 08:45 AM
Fishing action has slowed down some since my last report, but that doesn't mean they completely shut off. Spending most of my time scouting for new spots with my friends during this time has certainly paid off with new hot spots. May seem a little boring to some but when you find a new submerged stump or a pile of boulders and you catch a fish or two off make it really worth while. It all paid off yesterday with a group of 4, two in my boat and 2 in a tag boat. Spending the day in 80 degree temps and lack of a breeze for most of the day was a little on the extreme side, but we boated a good number of walleye on most of the new spots that I found during my scouting trips. Very slow retrieve was the best method we used to boat over a dozen walleye from these spots, lost a few jigs along the way but nothing is completely snag proof. Invasion jigs along with other types that my guests were using all work well as long as there was 1/2 crawler or fathead attached. The eyes very scattered, only found two spots where we boated more than one eye, but persistence paid off, a very good day despite the conditions. Will say one thing about the bright sky's and the fish we caught, some came from 10 foot while others came out of 5 foot, you just try everything as long as there's good structure.

No scheduled trips this week but I'll be out there making figure eights all over the place checking for hidden stumps, boulders, and gravel bars.

Don's Guide Service

08-13-2019, 09:25 AM
Thanks Don!