View Full Version : TFF Update

Don Pemble
05-29-2019, 05:57 AM
The past two trips out have seen some pretty good action from walleye, pike, and smallmouth. On Sunday's morning trip, my two guests and I found most of our walleye and a couple big perch in 15 to 20 foot depths either over scattered submerged wood or large boulders. We did find our largest eye in 10 foot deep stump field, not much shallow action. Nice catch of eyes, pike, and perch by noon to make a successful morning of fishing. Tuesdays morning trip was about the same only this time the shallow bite was hot with the smallies, some nice honkers were caught and released in 4 t0 7 foot of water in and around stumps and laid down wood, pike bite was scattered, both shallow and deep and the walleyes and perch for the most part were deep, we did get two in 4 foot in the weeds. Might add that yesterday morning was spent with my brother and his son, great time both days.

Back out today, will keep you posted.

Don's Guide Service