View Full Version : TFF Update

Don Pemble
05-18-2019, 12:22 PM
Not a whole lot to report on the walleye action for the last few days, no set pattern as far as depths, structure, or wind direction that they favor. One has to work at it real hard to locate the eyes and take advantage of a spot once you do located them, don't be afraid to spend 20 minutes or more working a certain area if you catch one, chances are there are more around. The best method the last few days whether your in shallow or deep water was dragging your jigs and minnow across the bottom, the fish are still holding tight and not very aggressive at all, just a slight weight on the end of your rod is what a walleye bite has felt like lately, if there's a slight increase in weight on your rod set the hook, it's most likely a walleye. There were no fishless days since my last posting, just that it has been difficult at times to limit out. After a couple of 5 fish to 6 fish days the last two have been much better, but once again, no certain pattern, one fish may come out of 3 foot and nothing more while you may boat your limits out of 12 o 20 feet, Thursday for example, my guest and I tried several spots only to find our 6 eyes laying on the bottom of a 10 foot deep flat with scattered laid down wood, then again, yesterday my 3 guests and I caught a good number of eyes with the vast majority coming from 20 river channels, ended up with 11 keepers and 4 pike. No two days are alike, just like this weather. All our fish were taken on Invasion jigs tipped with either fatheads or mud minnows.

Back out on Monday, hopefully better weather and lots of willing walleye.

Don's Guide Service