View Full Version : 9/8

Jerry Tipping
09-08-2018, 08:43 PM
Matt and Jason booked a morning trip on "The Rock" for this morning. Matt has tried getting a trip booked for a long time, but we were either rained out or blown off with the wind. Matt has followed all my post for years and was interested in my jigging and dead rod presentations. Jason has never jigged for walleye so it was all new to him. They also want to learn how to locate productive areas and find all the submerged timber along the channel edges. I asked at the start of the day if they were keeping fish and they said they just wanted to learn my presentations and locations, however when we started to boat some big crappies, the live well got some use. We finished with about 20 "shorties", 1 "keeper", 4 crappies, 2 white bass, some dink blue gills, and about a dozen sheep's head. :cool:

Keep a tight line!!!

Jerry ;)