View Full Version : TFF Update

Don Pemble
06-24-2018, 06:10 AM
The fishing action the last two weeks has been fairly good despite all the rain and now the mayflys. Walleyes are scattered for the most part, been finding them in as little as 4 feet of water over muddy bottom and as deep as 16 feet over submerged wood and all on the same day, all depends on the weather. Any good breeze, direction not a big factor would have the eyes and perch in the shallow mud flats searching for mayflys and were and still are being taken by drifting and jigging 1/16th ounce Reeves weedless jig tipped with a 2 inch piece of crawler, on windier days a fixed bobber with trailing in-line spinner/crawler would do the trick on the eyes and perch. On the calmer or brighter days they have been taken over deep wood and brush while vertical jigging either a 1/16th or 1/8th ounce jig with either a piece of crawler or medium to large fatheads. Been talking to other anglers and some are doing fairly good on leeches so that's worth a try, will pick some up this morning and give them a shot.

Bookings are a little slow right now so it's time to put a few fish in our freezer.

Tight lines,

Don's Guide Service