View Full Version : 11/18 and 11/19

Red Childress
11-20-2017, 06:42 AM
We chased muskies/pike, trout and walleye over the weekend and did not fare very well. We caught 1 pike Saturday (on the first cast of the day) and had 2 musky follows with 1 being a pretty nice fish. On Sunday, we landed 1 walleye and lost 1 walleye as well as losing 2 trout. The high winds and ice/sleet storms we fished through on Sunday were very refreshing. :)

11-20-2017, 09:25 AM
LOL Definitely some tough conditions out there the last few days. I had a hell of a time gettin my boat on the trailer on Thursday. Funny that you mention the "refreshing" conditions. One of my weather apps calls winds at 20mph and above a "fresh breeze". I'd guess that app designer has either never fished or has a good sense of humor.