View Full Version : 11/4 and 11/5

Red Childress
11-06-2017, 09:24 AM
We had some decent musky fishing over the weekend. Hooking and losing 3 fish with 1 of them being a very nice fish. We did manage to land a 47.5 Tiger and what a specimen she was. I am still in disbelief. IIRC, I had only seen 5 Tigers (in the section of river) prior to Saturday and 4 of them were in the bottom of my net.....none of them were anywhere close to this size.

Hammered a few walleye as well with the largest being 27". Also got 1 trout @ 19" or so.


11-06-2017, 05:44 PM
Nice fish Red! Does the river not fluctuate in height as much up there? Im in the Kennerdell/Emlenton area. I think its pretty much unfishable right now.

Red Childress
11-06-2017, 07:52 PM
We absolutely have high water up here quite often. Often enough that I have devoted a large chunk of my time figuring out how to catch fish in those conditions. We have less mud working through our area plus very few tributaries entering the river making it a little easier to fish.

11-07-2017, 09:10 AM
Thats awesome, way to go guys!! I'm still hoping to get a Tiger in the 40's and get a repro done. Love those markings! Great fish.

11-08-2017, 12:30 PM
That is awesone.

Red Childress
11-08-2017, 03:44 PM
Thanks fellas. It looked like a St. Clair fish (at first) while she was flashing that silvery color but too deep to see the markings.

On another note, I have been unsuccessful finding the state record Tiger....not that I believe this fish is anywhere in that category.

Red Childress
11-09-2017, 06:46 AM

The largest tiger REPORTED in 2016 was 40".

11-09-2017, 09:35 AM
That is interesting Red. Just did a quick search and haven't run across anything either. I'd guess the Fish Commision would have some sort of reason for not having those records and I'd be curious to know what the story is. If you don't run across anything, a coworker of mine knows a guy who works for the Fish Commision. I'll ask him to mention it to the guy the next time he runs into him.

Bob Seybold
11-15-2017, 01:55 PM
Wow nice fish Red ! Really pretty fish too. If there was a Tiger Musky state record category you certainly are deserving of it. The time, effort and commitment you put in for your clients is unparalleled by anyone on the river. Your putting some real nice fish in the net ! Congrats. !

Red Childress
11-16-2017, 06:39 AM
Thanks, Bob!

Regarding the Tiger, I am sure there have been a few 50-inch class fish caught in PA especially in areas that receive fingerlings. It does surprise me that PA does not seem to recognize this species even though they are stocking them throughout the state.

Bob Seybold
11-16-2017, 10:49 AM
It too surprises me, however it seems to me the PFBC. puts more emphasis on their Trout program and less and less each year on the Musky program. Thankfully there are clubs that raise funds and stock Muskies in our state.