View Full Version : If you had to pick 3...

09-08-2017, 10:55 PM
Since we are all here to get better and I assume all catch and release with muskie. Would anyone care to share their top 3 lures for the river? You are going fishing and only allowed to bring 3 lures...

I have only been going after musky for a couple of years, but a dozen (I said I was new. haha) fish later and a bunch of follows I have found my 3 most productive so far.

1) Fat AZ Raptor
2) double cowgirl
3) Medium sized Medussa

09-11-2017, 12:14 PM
*side note

...understanding why no one has replied to this. Muskie fisherman are a unique group. They have put many hours and dollars into their passion and craft. This is something to be proud of.

I was kind of wondering if the river is known for any particular type of lure. for example, LSC is known to be a great lake for dawgs and medussas. Many lakes in Minnesota they only use buck -tails. Bondy baits in the Detroit. etc... Is the Allegheny a known ___(insert lure)_____ fishery?

09-11-2017, 02:06 PM
I have only fished the river a handful of times. A couple trips with Red and a couple trips on the section near Kittanning. Also, I chase em with flies. The action I've had on that river so far was mainly on walk-the-dog type topwater flies and also firetiger/perch pattern streamers about 8" long. My brother would throw conventional gear and seemed to at least get some interest on blades. He LOVES to throw some blades.

09-12-2017, 04:30 PM
Shallow Invader
Swimmin Joe

In any order really

09-13-2017, 07:24 AM
I could see streamers working really well with their lifelike wiggle in this clear water.

Pescatore, I have a Shallow Invader. It looks so good in the water with its slow wobble. I have had no action with it and it has spent some time in the back of my box. Maybe I'll give it another chance.

The bad part about muskie lures is that sometimes there may be a lure that you know works, but for some reason you don't enjoy throwing it.