View Full Version : 7/31 and 8/1 Fishing

Red Childress
08-01-2017, 01:11 PM
Monday evening went well with a few 5-7 pound walleye and 11 bass with the largest bass being just under 3 pounds.

Tuesday morning was a rough one while chasing bass and walleye. We could only dig up 5 bass and a few short strikers that came unbuttoned midway thru the fight. After seeing TONS (and I mean tons) of bait swarming the surface in every spot we have fished the past 2 weeks, we could hardly find any around this morning. During the last 20 minutes of our trip, we were actually driving along the weedbeds trying to see baitfish and saw less than 20 individual minnows! It was one of the craziest things I have EVER encountered while fishing this river.

I plan to take a couple of days off and will be back at it Friday evening chasing muskies.