View Full Version : 7/20-----7/22 Recap

Red Childress
07-23-2017, 01:55 PM
After 37 hours of fishing squeezed into 2.5 days, we managed to end the musky streak on the 20th.

We had 0 hookups or sightings on the 20th. Sunny, hot and could not crack the code at all.

On the 21st, we had 3 follows with one super hot fish trying to eat but a botched figure-8 by a young lady (who was chasing muskies for the first time) really hurt her shot at connecting....I immediately got the fish back to the boat, pulled my lure away from it and had her husband proceed with the ole 'bait and switch' technique but the fish would have none of that nonsense.

We also chased bass and walleye on the 21st during the afternoon/early-evening time frame and had a very tough day with only 8 bass/4 legals and no walleye.

The 22nd was a pretty good day (and nice weather conditions) with 6 follows (1 of them being a re-follow on my bait) with 2 of them being in that 45-48 inch range and the largest one eating Matt's bait at boatside. After a vicious series of headshakes and half her body out of the water, the fish was gone. It would have been his new PB had we netted it. Needless to say, it was a somber way to end the day.

That's it until Wednesday. I am planning to fish Chautauqua on Wednesday with my buddy Andy.

Stay tuned.