View Full Version : Sunday Fishing

Red Childress
06-26-2017, 08:41 AM
Hit the water yesterday chasing muskies and it was really slow for the first 6.5 hours until we hit an upper 30's fish around 1pm. (A half hour prior, we had a boatside drive-by from a little guy.). We fished until 3 and called it a day.

It was the 8th consecutive trip of hooking a musky. If my memory serves me, the boat record is 13 consecutive trips of hooking /catching a muskie dating back to the Fall/Winter of 2003-2004 and once again during the Fall/Winter of 2011. Keeping this pace will likely be tougher during the summer months but we shall see.

School is finally out for us NY teachers so let the weekday fishing begin!