View Full Version : 6/13

Jerry Tipping
06-13-2017, 03:50 PM
Kent and Tom booked a morning trip on "The Rock" for today. After last nights, and this mornings storms I expected the bite to be a bit slow, and it was. I picked them up at Juneau County Park at 6 and started off the morning jigging near the Boy Scout Camp. About 7 a storm cell moved in with a lot of thunder and some lightning so we headed back for the launch and waited it out in the truck for a while. No keepers today, just "shorties", catfish, and sheep's head. The center of the lake out from Dellwood is full of floating weeds, grass, and debris making trolling really tough. By the time we got all 8 lines in the water we had to bring them back in and clean the weeds off. :(

Keep a tight line!!!

Jerry ;)