View Full Version : Musky Bombs and Sunday fishing

Red Childress
03-18-2017, 02:41 PM
We decided to reschedule this weekend's fishing due to weather and low water temps. I will likely go out on Sunday and test a new prototype musky bait that my partner (Andy Ohl) and I have been working on this winter. 3 sizes so far.......6"/7"/8" wooden jigging lure with an attached blade in the rear. There is also a soft tail and rattle option as well. More to follow about the new "Musky Bomb" very soon.

Red Childress
03-20-2017, 09:10 AM
Spent about 5 hours on the water yesterday testing out the "Bombs" and managed to hook a mid-40's musky but lost her at the boat. Cold water and a bad hook-set did not help my cause one bit. I was impressed with the new baits especially the 6" soft tail version. We should be back out next weekend in full force as the weather and water temps should be more favorable.

Good Luck!

03-20-2017, 02:38 PM
Thats cool that you are already getting some action on the prototypes. Since I started tying my own flies, I always dig it when I see some interest in a new pattern.

I am trying to plan my first trip out for the first week in April. Just hoping that Mother Nature is about done with this craziness.

Red Childress
03-27-2017, 05:33 AM
Man, we pounded the water HARD for 2 days chasing muskies and got our arses kicked. We did smack a big smallmouth on the 6" Musky Bomb/softail prototype and I may have rolled a fish (briefly) with a headshake or two but not positive. Water temps are still cool but warming at a nice pace. Pretty decent March weather on the horizon as well.

Good Luck!!

03-27-2017, 08:15 PM
I fished hard all day Saturday on some tributaries and had two follows on rubber, and caught 7ish pound walleye on a hottail. It has been pretty slow myself the last month, have not been able to convert my few opportunities too well. Might try and hit up some lakes for the first time all year. Good luck!

Red Childress
03-28-2017, 05:43 AM
We would likely have a little more cold water success with livebait presentations but just not willing to take the chance anymore....too many of my quick-strike/circle hooks rigs have been swallowed too deeply.

Good Luck!