View Full Version : A very interesting technique

12-14-2016, 12:55 PM
Its that time of year for me when I am already itching to get back on the water and unfortunately it isn't happening. Ran across this video that shows a pretty cool idea for fly techniques. Basically using a topwater fly in front with a streamer as a dropped fly behind it. Could end up being a lot to throw, but I'm gonna have to give this a try at some point. Hope the video link works.


12-14-2016, 05:47 PM
love the video. Two giant flies whistling by my head would be a challenge.

Red Childress
12-15-2016, 08:17 AM
Kinda like a downsized BK trolling rig....

12-15-2016, 02:05 PM
I agree, they did a great job with the video. LOL I also agree about those things flying past my head could get dangerous real fast, especially in any kind of wind. I might have to look into maybe an 11 or 12wt rod to help throw a setup like that.

I'm pretty sure I've seen some similar setups for salt water and the like. I've used similar setups on a smaller scale for trout and smallies, but never really considered trying for Esox. I think that will change next season.