View Full Version : September 22nd and 23rd report

Ty Sennett
09-24-2016, 09:34 AM
The fishing was better on Thursday with four fish hitting topwater and one fish hitting a showgirl. The morning topwater hit was probably the largest fish we've seen all year. It didn't get hooks into it at all. That was Brian's first muskie hit. In the evening I had a different group out and Brett caught a 36 1/2" muskie on a showgirl and I caught a 48 1/2" fish on a Rough Runner. That's what the morning fish went after also. We had one other take a swipe at the bait right by the boat and that was it. Yesterday fishing was really tough. Besides a few swirls behind the baits we didn't see anything with the exception of a 34 inch northern. Took the weekend off to spend time at home. Back at it with some great clients again come Monday.