View Full Version : Chautauqua Trip

Red Childress
08-19-2016, 07:38 AM
I hit Chautauqua Lake yesterday with a friend/fishing guide hunting muskies. We put 3 in the net, 1 lost fish and Andy had a real tanker follow his Leo tight to the boat. She made 2 'Usain-Boltian' victory laps around then sank out of sight.....a 50-ish class fish with very good girth. We went back to her 3 more times during the day but no luck. We had a nice weather system move through between 8 and 11am and most of our action occurred then. We threw pretty much every bait style we had except for twitchbaits.

Water temps were 77 when we started and topped out at 79 when we quit.

08-22-2016, 08:26 AM
Sounds like a good trip out, nice work.

How was the color on that lake? I heard that the bloom is going pretty good right now.

Red Childress
08-27-2016, 05:39 PM
We had normal stuff from Long Point and West. South end looked stained and bloomy like usual too. Maybe something changed while I was gone?