View Full Version : Weeds and Cabbage Beds

08-16-2016, 05:13 PM
I know these locations aren't really in abundance here but is it just me or has anyone else had trouble locating quality weeds this year? Last week I fished some old haunts down in Horseshoe/Townline, and followed the course up towards Murray's Landing. I hit some nice smallmouths from these types of locations this time of year; not just only on the TFF but from many flowages in general.

A lot of old weedlines I had saved waypoints on weren't there anymore. High water a factor? Rusty crayfish? After my outing I was at a loss. Huh, these lush cabbage and pondweed jungles were there a few years ago.

What few weeds I did find held everything from smallmouths to snake pike, a few walleyes, and a juvenile musky which was good to see.

Thoughts guys?


08-16-2016, 11:30 PM
I just got home from LOTW and I'm too tired to write anything extensive. I'll msg you tomorrow.


08-17-2016, 07:12 AM
I have fished the TFF for 15+ years. The first few years there was an abundance of cabbage weed.....and of course great fishing. A few years ago, I did notice a few weed beds appeared to be on the rebound....but that didn't last long. These past two years I have found very little weed. The weeds that I'm am talking about are in 5-7 FOW. I generally fish from Springstead landing and head out 3-4 miles east and west. I don't know why the TFF lacks an abundance of good weed growth? What is causing this?

08-17-2016, 10:41 AM
I've been fishing the TFF for 34 years now and it's an ever changing BOW, some years there's weeds some not. This year the water seems more cloudy, so I'm guessing the lack of sun light and temperature all plays a part, water levels would play a part in the big picture of things as well. If you believe in global warming, you can throw that into the mix too. Fortunately there's not much runoff from farm lands, and giant hog and cattle farms like other areas of the State, so careful what you ask for... But yeah there seems to be a lack of weeds this year.

08-19-2016, 10:45 AM
The flowage has remained relatively full this season compared to other summers in recent history. Current depth is 1570, so it's down a bit, but not nearly like it was at this time last year. In my opinion, the stained water has always limited/inhibited weed growth. The deeper the water, the less sunlight penetrates. Also, as stated earlier in this thread, the TFF drainage basin does not contain much in terms of agricultural runoff, and therefore the water body is not really nutrient rich. (In my opinion, that is a good thing) The forestland surrounding the TFF (and its feeder streams/rivers) has a direct impact on the PH of this tannic water body. The water depth, lack of nutrients, PH of the water, and sunlight penetration are all contributing factors to lack of weed growth. It is still my favorite place to fish in Wisconsin though!

08-19-2016, 03:18 PM
Thanks everyone for the feedback.

08-25-2016, 07:16 PM
I think it's due to high water this year. If you want weeds, go over to Bonies Mound area!

08-31-2016, 01:42 PM
I thought the Bonies mound area was off limits by power boats ????

08-31-2016, 08:32 PM
I thought the Bonies mound area was off limits by power boats ????

Area from Murrays Landing down to Blair Lake are a VOLUNTARY Quite Area - not off limits.

09-01-2016, 05:47 PM
Thank you----------- Last time I went to Bonies Mound-----some tent people told me to leave the area,which I did.

Don Pemble
09-06-2016, 08:00 PM
You can go anywhere out there with your boat, row boat or outboard powered, don't let the tent people scare you off, the flowage is open to all.

09-12-2016, 05:16 PM
Thank you Don, I quit using that area 4 years ago and I missed not being able to fish it anymore.
I can hardly wait to go back again. I always thought that we should all be able to go there and not cause any harm to the area. What do you do when the tent campers start yelling at you,even if you go at no wake speeds?

Don Pemble
09-13-2016, 05:18 AM
Flip them off and make bigger wakes, give them something to whine about.